Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Some More College Humor...

Now, I know the theory of guessing the whole test "all C" or "all B" and so on. And you would figure maybe you could get lucky on a 100-question test right? I mean, you don't even have to waste your time looking at the test.

This kid tried that theory on this 100-question test.

Too bad it was a TRUE-FALSE TEST. As in, either pick A) true, or B) false.
The professor who gave the test then had this to say:

Dear Michael,

Every year I attempt to boost my students' final grades by giving them this relatively simple exam consisting of 100 True/False questions from only 3 chapters of material. For the past 20 years that I have taught Intro Communications 101 at this institution I have never once seen someone score below a 65 on this exam. Consequently, your score of a zero is the first in history and ultimately brought the entire class average down a whole 8 points.

There were two possible answer choices: A (True) and B (False). You chose C for all 100 questions in an obvious attempt to get lucky with a least a quarter of the answers. It's as if you didn't look at a single question. Unfortunately, this brings your final grade in this class to failing. See you next year!

May God have mercy on your soul.

Professor William Turner

Always look at the first question, kids.

Monday, May 7, 2007

I know...

...It's been MAD long since I've post. Well...BACK OFF. I've been busy with way too much and I haven't had a chance to post. SAT's and work and a bunch of other shit.

Got to thinking about my party though, and I have to start planning even this far in advance. Have to everything ready, empty out pretty much the entire house, and invite the right people. Which is why I'm not telling anyone except for my close friends for now. Something will probably break, but thats alright.

I was thinking if I had to use the dishwasher. Since I can't use one and because of all the cups, it'll look something like this-

I'm in trouble.